Friday, July 1, 2011

Mohican Outdoor Center

After filling out some forms and completing a survey, both crews enjoyed their first environmental education day by going to the Mohican Outdoor Center. On our way there we saw a black bear just chilling on a golf course! It was pretty intense. Once we got there, we hiked up to an overlook with a beautiful view. After enjoying the view, we continued along the trail for a while until we reached a fire tower. Doug, of course, told us about fire towers and how they figure out where a fire is located, how many there are in NJ, etc. Some people climbed up the fire tower to enjoy the view, which I hear was fantastic. On our way back, we played an interesting game of Harry Potter Virtual Hide & Seek. After we got back, we went to the beach on Catfish Pond. Taylor, Rex, Casey, and a couple others swam for a while, but ended up getting out. Poor Doug, just before he was about to swim afterwards, he spotted a giant snapping turtle! That effectively ended all swimming that day. Though, we did all stare at this huge turtle for a good while. We returned to Hoffman's park at around 3 and played some assassin that was kind of a failure. After a giant Roses & Thorns, our great first environmental education day came to a close.

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