Friday, July 29, 2011

LAST DAY OF WORK- Team Swamp Dog!

As sad as it is, today was our last day of work before the rec trip! We began our day with stretch circle and then went to Point Mountain to go hiking. It was pretty awesome to see some work that was done by alumni SCA members, and even some members on our crew from previous years! I personally know I was very impressed by the rock staircases with HUGE rocks! As Lauren always says.. Go big or go home! It was very foggy on the hike though and humid from the rain yesterday night. After reaching the top, we all sat up on the big rock and had tunnel vision when looking out. Everything looked like it was spiraling in after hiking for about an hour and a half with minimal breaks. It was pretty cool though! Then after the hike we had a quick snack by the river and then went in to do a stream study! Working in small groups we used nets to catch things off the bottom of the river that indicate the health of the river. After lots of catching we determined the river seemed pretty healthy based on the organisms in the river such as dragonfly larva, snails etc. We all seemed pretty sad though that no one caught a cray-fish :( Then to end our day we stopped by the Clinton Library to pick up some music Cd's for the car ride up to Watkins Glen tomorrow(such as the Pirates of the Caribbean Soundtrack and Disney Princess Soundtrack..) and the book The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. A very awesome last day overall!
Cant wait for tomorrow morning when we begin our rec trip!!!! See all of you a tad later than normal tomorrow at 8, which is nice:)
-Jelly Jane

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