Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday 6/30/11 - Team Swamp Dog

Back again, Brittney is absiento so I'll cover for her, and don't worry I'll make this one shorter than the last.

So, stretching circle today was the snow ball game. Underdog, a fairy, and zombie-generating Russians made appearances in our story. Then we finally got Big Momma in the ground by accident, re-veged hell mud pit 1, almost killed someone for walking through our newly re-veged trail (you know who you are), and had a magnificent surprise: JON REGEN!!!!!! It was so great seeing Jon again, hes awesome, a super crew leader in every sense of the word, and as I hear an avid blog reader so hi Jon. Then we played jungle themed mafia at lunch. Jane was an excellent narrator with her surprising twists, and GO ARIELLE FOR WINNIN' MAFIA :D (I was her partner, just saying lol).

Overall, it was a great day, we all felt really accomplished. We set a total of 22 rocks in three days, made a marsh look pretty, and did a ton of corridor work. Quick side note, Harry Potter themed virtual hide and seek is now my fav game, even better than Chalupa. See everyone tomorrow!

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