Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tuesday 7-12

Tuesday was pretty average for our workers on the trail at Cushetunk. If I remember correctly, I think Doug introduced the van to some British hip-hop, Dan Le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip, along with some classic Sweatshop Union (Canadian). I'd say to surely check out both. Our hike in changes perception everyday, as we continue building the trail. We have a nice rest-point at the top of the mountain...and then we'll hike up to the tool cache on the TREAD WE'VE BUILT OURSELVES:) we've gotten a lot of work done and the trail looks real good. Specifically, on Tuesday, our focus was on sledging rock for crush and continuing tread work. There are lot of spots that need rock crush to help make the trail even & easier to hike. It's impressive the production of crush we make throughout the day. All the rock work looks nice. Our tread itself is slightly rocky, but there are also a lot of awesome spots that are nice and flat, right on the ridge of the mountain. Most times, there's a breeze the entire working conditions aren't too brutal..:)We can see the reservoir through the trees,(barely) so I'm interested in hiking back there in the fall sometime to check out the views and reminisce our trail.

see everyone tomorrowwwwww -karah

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