Monday, July 19, 2010

Rain Averted

First off, I'd like to apologize to Max. He made me promise I'd let him post first to keep things in chronological order, but I might fall asleep if I don't post soon. So I am sorry if you are disappointed, Max.

Moving on... It rained this morning before work. It also rained after work. However it did not rain during work. Interesting. This is indicative of something great to come. Not sure what though. So our day started off with a fantastic stretch circle, in which we fantasized about being our favorite celestial body. At this point Pat pretended he knew something about time travel. Our perhaps he does...

Upon reaching our trail, we broke up in to three groups. Rose, nobly volunteered to head back up the trail and work on drainage. From what I understand, they had a great start on a water bar, which soon became a french drain, and later became a mess. Max's motley crew pushed on with the stepping stones and laid down some very impressive work.

As for me, I spent the majority of the day alongside Ellen, Brittney, and Marcus. First we surveyed our trail for the purpose of mapping and data extraction. Ellen taught us a ton about GPS's and cartography and pretty much everything else you could imagine. After snack, we hiked up to determine the path of our next stretch of trail. There were a few proposed options, and a few un-proposed options. Collectively, we picked the best one. We also learned that Ellen has done trail work in Ukraine. COOL! Satisfied with our decision and new knowledge we returned for lunch.

At this point, we endured a very poor quality game of mafia. It occurred to me, that our games have been gradually deteriorating. Largely due to Pat's inaccuracy and Zach's seemingly randomized intuition. It's become far too frequent that the fate of the game has rested on Zach's bouts of rock, paper, scissors. At least it's always entertaining. We also learned a lot about male female relationships throughout the day. Bryan even starred in a few role playing scenarios. Our crew has become very experienced at providing relationship advice. However, I cannot continue to give details. We maintain a strict privacy code.

We've got a lot to look forward to later in this week, as we finalize our current trail and move on to the next one. And tomorrow's Exxon Mobile... and ULTIMATE FRISBEE! I'd just like for formally say to Greenteam 2, Good luck.


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