I've had a few things on my mind concerning the first three weeks of our SCA program. There has been not many, but a few, minor grievances that I have encountered thus far. And I thought, that this blog would be the perfect place to unload these on you all. You know, let you guys know what I really think about a few things.
Honestly, I want to know, what in the world is up with "Hidden Driveways"? The "Hidden Driveway" myth is a perplexing one, if you ask me. You see the sign, and you look for the questionable driveway. Now here is the catch. I always find at least one driveway, and usually it seems to me to be plain obvious?! How in the world is that hidden? But then, let's not be hasty, what if it is possible you didn't see the driveway, because it was hidden in the first place? It seems ridiculous. Absolutely, and entirely. (Just this week my road had a "Hidden Driveway" sign put up. I always thought I knew every nook and cranny of this road, but now, am I to suppose it is possible there has been a stealth driveway tucked away this whole time?!)
I often find myself pondering this theory some people have about a supposed balance between good and evil. Sure, a balance is better than all evil and barely any good floating around the world. But, what would be so wrong with mostly good and little evil? I think J.R. Tolkein would have done well to explain that bit a little more thoroughly. Perhaps Frodo could explain that one to me in a simple enough manner for it to make any sense.... But, perhaps hobbits aren't real....
Today we got a lot of work done. Seriously. The Man Crew knocked out something around roughly 1,768 buckets of Phil (or maybe it was 114 buckets of fill, I don't remember). Meanwhile, team Juggernaut plowed through to the end of our trail with great force. A lot of other necessary improvements were also worked on.
All in all, rocks were removed, fill was added, trail was leveled, people got dirty. We had fun.
I wonder if people who recite that silly riddle, "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" realize that woodchucks aren't actually a distinct animal. In fact, it is a nickname for groundhogs. And clearly groundhogs wouldn't be chucking wood. They are far to busy eating your garden.
Also, I don't understand Monster Energy Drinks. Well, I do, in the fact that they are a drink, full of caffeine and other "natural" chemicals that will keep you awake. I don't however, understand how certain crew members have come to believe that a drink will make them have super-human powers. That's ridiculous, really. Don't sell yourself short, the drink has nothing to do with how many buckets you beasted in a single day.
Until next time,
- Dan "Dandolf the Great" Klein